Monday, October 1, 2012

Talk with Sanchit Sawaria

Sanchit Sawariya has created a typeface named "Kathan" as a part of his studio 3 and his Diploma project with ITF. I discussed with him my process so far and whether I was going the right direction. He advised me to sketch out the skeletons first and then add mass to a typeface. The mass can be added later, once the skeleton of the typeface is fixed. This will help me in understanding the key structure of the typeface. I guess designing a type face, is very similar to drawing human study. You first have to get the skeleton right.

Sanchit later guided me in font lab and explained me the basic tools. This was really helpful as I had no idea how to even create a file in font lab with the right encoding before.

I tried out some linear sketches for my type. Will try out some more soon. Also I am planning to experiment with a very crude basic latin typeface on fontlab before jumping to Gujarati, just to get a hang of the software.

You can see Sanchit's work here :